🗓 Date: Oct. 7th, 2022 (Friday )
⏰ Time: 6 pm – open end
📍 Roof-top Restaurant: BA GÁC Nướng & Bia Nam Kỳ
Address: 61 Nam Kỳ Khởi Nghĩa St., Bến Thành W., Dist.1, HCMC
✏️ Registration: https://bcard.e-line.me/webflex/card.html?card=XcXRMBfWu7Ha9Ij
💰 Fee: Pay for owned bill. ( 10% Discount for foods, no discount for drinks)
Confirmed Registration: You will receive a confirmation email from VPC Networking.
(Invitation is only limited to construction-related professionals by email confirmation)
Cancellation: Please kindly inform by email before 6 pm on Oct 6th.
( email: vpc.networking@gmail.com )
🚗 For Parking:
Car: opposite side of the restaurant, the security will guide.
Motorcycle: Park in front of the building.
Follow us on ThaiCham fanpage with this link: https://www.facebook.com/Thaicham.Vietnam