To All members,
We hope this message finds you well. As a valued member of Thai Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Vietnam (ThaiCham), we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support and involvement.
As we embark on the new year, we are excited about the opportunities and initiatives planned for 2024. Your active participation has been instrumental in the success of our organization, and we invite you to renew your membership for another year.
As we embark on the new year, we are excited about the opportunities and initiatives planned for 2024. Your active participation has been instrumental in the success of our organization, and we invite you to renew your membership for another year.
How to Renew:
Please transfer to our account as followings:
Bank Name: Bangkok Bank PCL, HCMC branch
Account name: Thai Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Vietnam.
Account No: 0818-102918-401 (VND)
Address: 35 Nguyen Hue St., Dist. 1, HCMC, Vietnam
Swift Code: BKKBVNVX
Bank Name: Vietcombank – Tan Dinh Branch
Account name: Hiep Hoi Doanh Nghiep Thai Lan tai Viet Nam
Account No: 104 293 9999 (VND)
Address: 72 Pham Ngoc Thach, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, HCMC, Vietnam.
Swift Code: BFTV VNVX
Payment details: “[your company name or your fullname] + Membership Fee 2024”
Renewal Deadline: Your membership fee will expire on March 31, 2024., Therefore, to guarantee uninterrupted membership benefits, please renew by March 31, 2024. Your prompt renewal is highly appreciated.
Noting that the membership fee of the year 2024 will be as follows:
– Ordinary Corporate Member (OC): 10,000,000 VND/member
– Ordinary Individual Member (OI): 3,500,000 VND/member
– Oversea Member (OM): 3,500,000 VND/member
* This membership fee change has been approved by our valued members during the Annual General Meeting 2023 held on February 23rd, 2023.
We look forward to another year of collaboration, growth, and shared success. Thank you for being an integral part of Thai Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Vietnam (ThaiCham).
For new member, please register at the link: Membership Registration 2024